The Beginning...
Gravity Base Tank
for the BP Harding Field
Location Central North Sea, 320km NE of Aberdeen
Block Number 9/23b
Water Depth 110 meters
Size of Field 235 million barrels of Oil and 270 billion cubic feet of gas recoverable
Resovoir Depths 1580 - 1750 meters
Number of Platforms 1
Gravity Base Weight 84,000 tonnes
Gravity Base - Where Built Hunterston, Scotland
Gravity Base - Dimentions 122m (I) x 114m (w) x 34m (h)
Gravity Base - Storage capacity 550,000 Barrels
Topside - Weight 23,000 tonnes
Topside - Where Built Korea
Topside - Accommodation (Beds) 115
Oil Export Pipeline 24inch diameter to tanker loading system
Oil Field Discovered 1987
Oil Field - Development Consent 1993
Oil Field - Startup 1996
Oil Field - Production Peak (1998) ca 100,000 bpd
Oil Field - Current Production 65,000 (2003
Owners BP 70%, Kerr McGee 30%
Development Costs £400 million